How to Get Rid of Aphids on Tomato Plants: 6 Ways

Emily Greenfield

Aphids are common garden pests that feed on tomato plants and can cause significant damage to them. They are small, soft-bodied insects that can range in color from green to black. They can reproduce rapidly and, if left unchecked, can cause severe damage to plants. Fortunately, there are a few effective ways on how to get rid of aphids on tomato plants.

There are organic and non-organic solutions available to combat aphids. Organic solutions such as insecticidal soaps, horticultural oils, and homemade solutions like garlic and chili pepper sprays can help get rid of aphids on tomato plants.

Non-organic solutions include chemical sprays and powders. Whichever option is chosen, it’s important to follow instructions carefully in order to ensure the safety of the plants and other garden inhabitants.

how to get rid of aphids on tomato plants, how to treat aphids on tomato plants
how do you get rid of aphids on tomato plants

What Are Aphids ?

Aphids are small, pear-shaped, sap-sucking insects, typically found in large colonies on the underside of plant leaves. They cause severe damage to plants, resulting in stunted growth, distorted foliage, and reduced yields.

Why Are Aphids so Destructive ?

Aphids can be incredibly destructive to tomato plants. These tiny pests feed on the sap of plants, draining vital nutrients and weakening the plant. This can stunt the growth of the plant, reducing yields and making the plant more vulnerable to diseases and other pests. In some cases, aphids can even kill the plant entirely.

Aphids can reproduce quickly and in large numbers, making them difficult to control. They can also spread diseases and viruses between plants, further weakening the overall health of the plant.

Additionally, their honeydew secretions can promote the growth of sooty mold, which coats the leaves and blocks out essential sunlight.

Symptoms of Aphids on Tomato Plants

It is important to be aware of the symptoms of aphid infestation on tomato plants. Aphids cause damage by sucking on the sap and other nutrients inside the leaves and stems. This can cause the leaves to become stunted, misshapen, or curled around the edges.

Aphids can also produce a substance known as honeydew, which is a clear and sticky substance that can cover the areas where the aphids have been. This honeydew can also attract ants, which can be a sign that aphids are present.

Lastly, the honeydew can also cause the leaves and stems to become blackened due to the presence of sooty mold.

Read: How to Save a Dying Tomato Plant

6 Ways to Control and Get Rid of Aphids on Tomato Plants

Aphids on tomato plants can be controlled and removed through a variety of methods. Manual removal is one option. This involves picking off the affected plants and disposing of the affected parts.

Oil-based natural sprays, such as neem or horticultural oil, are also effective against aphids, as are natural predators like ladybugs and lacewing flies.

Manual Removal

A manual removal of aphids can be a highly effective way to address an aphid infestation. This method involves manually inspecting the plants and leaves for the presence of aphids and then manually removing them. This can be done with a pair of tweezers or by hand.

It is important to be thorough and check both the top and underside of leaves as well as the stems of the plant.

Once the aphids are removed, they can be disposed of by dropping them in a bucket of soapy water which will kill them. It is advisable to check daily for new aphids to determine if further steps are needed.

Oil-Based Natural Sprays

To further your efforts of controlling and getting rid of aphids on tomato plants, oil-based natural sprays can be a great addition to your pest-fighting kit.

Neem oil, specifically, is an organic solution that won’t damage your tomatoes or deter other beneficial insects. It works by suffocating the aphids and halting their reproduction.

To use, it is recommended to dilute one tablespoon of neem oil in two cups of water and spray the solution over the plant, focusing particularly on the underside of the leaves, once a week.

Horticultural oils are another form of oil-based natural spray, typically vegetable-based, that suffocates the aphids and removes any mold that may have developed during the aphid infestation.

Natural Predators and Companion Plants

When it comes to controlling aphids on tomato plants, deploying natural predators and companion plants is an efficient and advantageous strategy.

Natural predators such as ladybugs, lacewings, and parasitic wasps that feed on aphids can be attracted to the garden by planting catnip, daisies, and marigolds.

Additionally, certain plants such as chives and marigolds have a smell that repel aphids and other insects. If preferred, plants that aphids love, such as nasturtium, can be grown nearby to draw them away from the tomatoes.

In addition to providing natural predators and companion plants, it is important to maintain the garden’s ecosystem to ensure that the beneficial insects have a food source and habitat.

Alcohol Sprays

With the proper precautions and application techniques, alcohol can be an effective way to control aphids on tomato plants. Alcohol-based solutions can be used in a spray bottle to suffocate the aphids, thus eliminating them.

The solution should be a mixture of equal parts alcohol and water. The alcohol should be sprayed directly onto the aphids and should cover all parts of the plant, focusing on the underside of the leaves.

It is important to note that alcohol-based solutions should not be applied to plants in direct sunlight, as the leaves can burn. It is also important to keep the alcohol away from other beneficial insects, as it will kill them as well.

Traps and Row Covers

In addition to manual removal, natural sprays, beneficial insects, and companion plants, another solution for controlling and eliminating aphids on tomato plants is the use of traps and row covers.

Traps are usually yellow or blue sticky cards that are placed around the tomato plants to catch aphids and other insects. Row covers are a physical barrier that is draped over the tomato plants to keep out any pests. Both of these methods can be effective for stopping the spread of aphids and other pests.

Row covers are typically made of a lightweight fabric such as polyester or polypropylene and can be draped over the tomato plants. They are permeable to air and water, so the plants can still get the necessary sunlight and moisture.

Water and Dish Soap

The last method to control aphids on tomato plants is to use water and dish soap. This is a simple and direct approach to removing aphids from your tomato plants. The combination of water and soap can help dislodge the aphids from the tomato plant leaves and can help keep them from returning.

how to get rid of bugs on tomato plants naturally
how to get rid of bugs on tomato plants naturally

To use this method, mix one cup of dish soap with four cups of water and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray the tomato plant leaves from top to bottom, making sure to cover both the top and bottom of the leaves. The soap and water mixture will help to suffocate and drown the aphids.

It is important to note that this method should only be used as a last resort as it can damage the leaves of the tomato plant if used too often.

Preventing Aphids

Healthy Soil and Healthy Plants

One of the most effective ways of preventing aphids from attacking tomato plants is to create and maintain healthy soil. Healthy soil contains the right balance of essential nutrients and microorganisms that can help strengthen plants and make them more resilient to aphid attacks.

It can also provide beneficial insects, such as earthworms, ladybugs, and predatory mites, with ideal living conditions, allowing them to thrive and prey on aphids. Additionally, healthy soil can help plants absorb more water and nutrients, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers which can actually attract more aphids.

Finally, a healthy soil environment can encourage a plant’s natural defense mechanisms, such as releasing compounds that can repel aphids.

Companion Planting

One way to prevent aphids from attacking tomato plants is to practice companion planting. Companion planting is the practice of planting certain herbs and vegetables near each other with the intention of aiding in pest control.

For example, basil and marigolds can be planted near tomatoes to mask the scent of the tomatoes, thus preventing aphids from locating them.

Other herbs and vegetables, such as carrots, dill, cilantro, sage, parsley, and calendula, can attract beneficial insects that will attack aphids. Additionally, fragrant plants like onions, chives, and garlic can be used to repel aphids with their strong scents.

Attract More Aphid Predators

In addition to creating healthy soil and healthy plants, another effective way to prevent aphids is to attract their natural predators. Insects such as lady beetles, syrphid flies, and lacewings feed on aphids, keeping their population in check.

By planting flowers and herbs in and around the garden, these beneficial insects can be attracted to the area, providing an additional line of defense against aphids.

Not only that, but setting up birdhouses and feeders near the garden can also help keep aphid populations under control. Birds such as chickadees, wrens, and robins will happily feed on the aphids, allowing gardeners to enjoy a pest-free harvest.

Read more: How to Keep Birds Away From Tomato Plants


In conclusion, it is important to know how to get rid of aphids on tomato plants. Taking the necessary preventive measures and managing the aphid population can help keep tomato plants healthy and productive.

Utilizing beneficial insects, such as ladybugs, can help to reduce and prevent the presence of aphids. Non-chemical methods, such as manual removal and using insecticidal soap, are also beneficial.

Lastly, using natural predators is an effective and eco-friendly way to control and get rid of aphids. By taking these steps, you can help prevent aphids from infesting your tomato plants.

About the author

Emily Greenfield is an American gardening enthusiast and author with a passion for creating lush, vibrant outdoor spaces. Her insightful articles provide practical tips, creative ideas, and expert advice to help readers cultivate their own beautiful gardens.